2015 Canadian Closed DanceSport Championships

3 April 2015.  Photo credit: Horace Leung

3 April 2015.  Photo credit: Horace Leung

This past weekend, on 3 and 4 April 2015, at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I danced at my sixth Canadian Championships, achieving a result of 2nd place in Senior I Latin with my new partner Angela Mulrooney.


I want to thank many people for helping me to achieve my dance aspirations.

Above all thanks to Angela Mulrooney, and to Dany Desloges, our coach, for putting up with me in these past six months of practice.

Thanks to my parents Mary Ann and Ronald for flying all the way from Thunder Bay to cheer me on.

Thanks to Michelle Chan, my former partner, who came out with her husband Jon Cheung to watch on both Friday and Saturday night despite having had a baby just a couple of days ago!

Thanks to my other friends Rob Kovacs, Sara Poldaas, Lyn Fry-Abra, and many others for coming to the competition to cheer us on.

Thanks to my wonderful assistant Deanna Kelly and her friend for making signs and distributing them to my friends.

Thanks to Astrid Seeton for haircut and hairstyling tips, and great enthusiasm!

Thanks to my costume designers

  • Mathieu Caron of Feeling for my pants,
  • Kim Lindeman of QueenE for my shirt (Saturday night)
  • Yuliya Zavadska (and her mother) for my shirt (Friday night)

Thanks to my friends at Olympia DanceSport, owners Barbara and Stephen Ko, and studio practice buddies Winston and Amanda, Debi and Marty, Ross and Victoria, and many others.

Thanks to Grace Jefferies and the other volunteers who put on the competition.

Thanks to Florin Raducan and his family for filming us.

I can’t forget my friend Wayne Backer, who pinned my malfunctioning pants at the very last second as we were about to go on for our Paso Doble on Saturday!

As professional dancer Maurizio Vescovo once told me, “it takes a team to win a dance competition.”  Thanks for being on my team, everyone!  I really appreciate it.